About us
SCHULTZ • CARRASCO • BENITEZ provides legal advice with high specialization standards to entities and people seeking a personalized, reliable and efficient service.
Our advice starts with an strategic analysis, to identify contingencies and seek innovative solutions.
We add value to your projects with our private and public experience.


Maximiliano Alfaro
Member of the Environmental and Natural Resources Group. His practice is focused, mainly, on environmental and administrative law, complemented with environmental litigation at administrative and court levels.
Prior to entering SCHULTZ CARRASCO BENITEZ, he worked in EELAW Medio Ambiente y Energía Asesorías Legales (2019-2021).
His is one of the authors of «Humedales Urbanos. Regulación, implementación y jurisprudencia» (Urban Wetlands. Regulation, implementation and jurisprudence, Ediciones Der), 2023..
Chile (2019).
J.D. from Universidad de Chile (2018). Diploma in Environmental Law from Universidad de Chile (2020).
- Phone:+ 56 2 2385 0000
- Email:malfaro@scyb.cl

Sara Aros
Member of the Environmental Law and Natural Resources group.
Her practice focuses mainly on strategic advice for the environmental assessment of investment projects in areas such as energy, real estate, agro-industry and mining.
Prior to join, she worked as a lawyer at the Public Ministry, North Central Prosecutor’s Office (2015-2018). Likewise, she worked as a lawyer in the Secretary of the Interior (2019-2022), providing advice on Administrative Law matters, and lately in Alto S.A company (2020-2023), advising different clients for crimes against property.
Chile (2015).
J.D. at Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción Law School (2014).
Diploma in Current Problems of Substantive Criminal Law: General Part, at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Law School (2017).
Currently studying the Master of Laws (LLM) at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile School of Law
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:saros@scyb.cl

Mario Arrué
Member of the Environmental Law and Natural Resources department. His practice focuses mainly on planning and strategic advice for the environmental assessment of investment projects, in areas such as energy, real estate, agribusiness and mining. Prior to joining SCHULTZ CARRASCO BENITEZ, he worked until March 2022 as a senior project consultant at the environmental consulting firm ECOS-Chile, where he provided both technical and legal strategic support in environmental impact assessment processes, sanctioning procedures, environmental compliance, pre-feasibilities, among other matters.
Previously, he worked in the Environmental Assessment Agency (SEA), being a project evaluator in the Metropolitan Regional Department (2010-2013), in charge of the Assessment Area of the same Region (2014-2017) and, later, in charge of the technician unit of the appeals presented before the Executive Director and the Ministers Committee.
Chile (2019).
J.D., Universidad Central, highest honors (2017). B.S. Environmental Engineer, Universidad de Valparaíso (2005).
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:marrue@scyb.cl

Rodrigo Benítez
Partner of the Public Law and Natural Resources area.
His practice focuses mainly on strategic advice for the environmental assessment of investment projects in areas such as mining, energy, infrastructure and agro-industry. Additionally, he advises clients in the administrative and judicial defense of these types of projects. He was Viceminister and Head of the Legal Division in the Ministry of the Environment (2010-2014 / 2018). He was also a member of the Presidential Advisory Commission for the study of a reform to the Environmental Impact Assessment System (appointed by Supreme Decree No. 20 of 2015, issued by the Ministry of the Environment).
He previously worked at Jara Del Favero Abogados and was a partner at Baker & Mckenzie.
Chile (2006).
Graduated from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Law School in 2006. Diploma on Environmental Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2007.
He has been a lecturer of environmental law at Pontificia Universidad Católica School of Law, at Universidad Finis Terrae and at the Naval War Academy. He is currently a faculty member of the Master in Environmental Law at the Universidad del Desarrollo.
He has written several articles regarding environmental law in different journals.
Spanish and English.
- Phone:+ 56 2 2385 0000
- Email:rbenitez@scyb.cl

Esteban Cañas
Member of the Environmental Law and Natural Resources group. His professional practice focuses mainly on administrative litigation, as well as project advice from both environmental and sectoral perspectives.
Prior to entering SCHULTZ CARRASCO BENITEZ, he worked as an associate attorney at the Environmental and Public Law group at Cubillos Evans Abogados (2017-2021), advising on environmental impact assessment, environmental and sectorial sanctioning procedures, in the administrative and judicial defense of projects, and in advising on sectorial processing and other regulatory and strategic aspects related to Environmental Law.
He also worked as an associate attorney at Vergara y Cía. (2016-2017), providing advice on matters of Administrative Law, Water Law and Energy Law.
Chile (2015).
J.D., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2015) mention in Public Law.
Master of Laws (LLM) in Global Environment and Climate Change Law, at the University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (2022).
Diploma in Administrative Litigation, at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2016).
Diploma in Natural Resources and Energy Law, at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2015).
Activities and memberships
Member of the Chilean Association of Environmental Law (Achidam) and the Chilean Association of Administrative Law (ADAd).
Member of the Chilean Association of Environmental Law (Achidam) and the Chilean Association of Administrative Law (ADAd).
Spanish and English.
- Phone:+ 56 2 2385 0000
- Email:ecanas@scyb.cl

Edesio Carrasco
Partner in charge of the Public and Natural Resources Group. His practice focuses mainly in environment and sectorial permits, energy, land use planning, and the development of industrial projects. He also advises his clients in the solution of their controversies and their defense before ordinary and special courts in administrative matters.
Prior to founding SCHULTZ CARRASCO BENITEZ he was Regional Director of the Environmental Assessment Agency and the Chief of the Litigation and Legal Department of the same agency until early 2014. Before that, he worked in the Ministry of the Environment and in Allende Bascuñán y Cía. Ltda.
In 2010 he was a foreign lawyer at the Energy Group of Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP, in Washington D.C., USA.
Chile (2007).
Graduated from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Law School in 2006. In 2009 he was awarded the Chilean–CONICYT Scholarship and in 2010 got a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from the University of California, Berkeley, with a specialization in Environmental Law.
Lecturer at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Universidad del Desarrollo Law School. Furthermore, he is also the environmental law editor of the Journal of Applied Law LLM UC.
During 2023 – 2024, was a Visiting Scholar at Duke University (School of Law), North Carolina, United States.
He has written over forty articles in matters of his specialization which have been published in different journals. He is also the author and co-author of the following books: «El Régimen Jurídico de la Energía Nuclear en Chile» (Legal Regime of Nuclear Power in Chile, Thomson Reuter-Legal Publishing), 2013, «Sistema de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental. Análisis y resolución de casos prácticos» (The Environmental Impact Assessment System. Analysis and resolution of cases, Ediciones DER), 2018; «El derecho a vivir en un medio ambiente libre de contaminación. Perspectivas, evolución y estándares jurisprudenciales» (The right to live in a pollution-free environment. Perspectives, evolution and jurisprudential standards, Ediciones DER), 2020; and «Humedales Urbanos. Regulación, implementación y jurisprudencia» (Urban Wetlands. Regulation, implementation and jurisprudence, Ediciones Der), 2023.
Spanish and English.
- Phone:+ 56 2 2385 0000
- Email:ecarrasco@scyb.cl

Gabriela Durán
Member of the Environmental law and natural resources group. Her practice focuses mainly on strategic advice for investment projects in the Environmental Impact Assessment System.
Prior to her entry, she worked until June 2023 as a lawyer for the Environmental Assessment Agency. Additionally, she worked as an associate lawyer in Eelaw (2017 – 2020).
Chile (2017).
J.D and LL.M at Universidad Diego Portales (2016). Member of the “Linkage Program - Yale Law School”, USA. (2015)
Spanish and English.
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:gduran@scyb.cl

Miguel Fernandez
Member of the Environmental Law and Natural Resources department. His practice focuses mainly on planning and strategic advice for the environmental assessment of investment projects, in areas such as energy, real estate, agribusiness and mining.
Prior to joining our firm, during 2022 and 2023, he worked as an associate at ICC Abogados, advising on environmental impact assessments, administrative and judicial defense of projects, as well as different sectoral sanctioning procedures. Additionally, he provided legal counsel in the field of natural resources, primarily in water and mining matters.
He also served as a constitutional advisor in the General Secretariat of Government Ministry between 2021 and 2022, and prior to that, in 2020, he worked as a lawyer in the Public Policy Department of the Chilean Manufacturers' Trade Association ("SOFOFA").
Chile (2021).
J.D., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile School of Law (2020).
Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Constitutional Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile School of Law (2023).
Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Regulatory Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile School of Law (expected 2024).
Certificate in Environment and Sustainable Development, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile School of Law (2020).
Teaching Assistant of Political Institutions, School of Government, Universidad del Desarrollo.
Spanish and english..
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:mfernandez@scyb.cl

Roberto Guerrero
Member of the Environmental Law and Natural Resources area.
His practice focuses on providing advice on environmental law and natural resources, contributing to the development and evaluation of projects or activities, as well as in the administrative and judicial defense of these.
Chile (2021).
J.D. from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2019).
Spanish and English.
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:rguerrero@scyb.cl

Ingrid Henríquez
Her practice centers on regulatory matters, with a focus on Environmental, Urban, Energy and Health Law. She has a recognized career path both in the public and private sectors, as well as a vast experience in administrative and judicial procedures, and in the processing of permits related to the development of projects.
Between 2008 and 2010 she was an attorney for the National Environmental Commission and later for the Environmental Ministry (2010 to 2014), where she practiced as Head of the Regulation Department and Head of the Judiciary Division. Between 2014 and 2016 she was an environmental and regulatory lawyer at Endesa Chile and then Head of Environment & Permitting at HSEQ Office of Enel Generación, in addition to coordinating and implementing environmental compliance and infrastructural projects (2016 to 2018). Between July 2018 and September 2019 she worked as a senior associate at Moreno, Sáez & Avilés.
Chile (2008).
Graduated from Universidad de Chile Law Faculty with highest honors (2005). Graduate Diploma in Natural Resources and Energy Law from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2011) and in Project Management from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (2018).
Activities and Memberships
Professor of Environmental Legislation at Universidad de Chile Sciences Faculty Law, in the Environmental Chemistry and Biology courses. Professor of Environmental Legislation at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Santiago. (2010 to 2017). Coordinator of the University’s Vicariate Pastoral School of Education and Leadership Formation (2005 to 2015). Research assistant for the Environmental Law Center of the University of Chile Law Faculty (2005 to 2007). Chile’s Environmental Ministry focal point for the Stockholm, Rotterdam and Basel Conventions (2012 to March 2014). Chile’s representation at the Basel Convention meetings on Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Waste (2012 and 2013).
In addition, she also author of several specialized publications regarding environmental law matters.
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:ihenriquez@scyb.cl

Macarena Risso
Member of the Environmental Law and Natural Resources Department. Her practice primarily focuses on strategic planning and advisory services for the environmental assessment of investment projects within the Environmental Impact Assessment System.
Prior to joining, she worked as a lawyer at the consulting firm WSP Chile (2021-2024), advising companies across various industries on environmental management, project evaluation processes, and regulatory analysis, and was also part of the company's innovation program.
Chile (2019).
Lawyer, Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (2017).
Spanish and English.
- Phone:+ 56 2 2385 0000
- Email:mrisso@scyb.cl

Carlos Schultz
Partner in charge of the Corporate Area, Mergers and Acquisitions and Capital Markets. He focuses his practice in representing local and foreign clients in transactions, joint ventures, financial matters, investment projects and corporate restructuring.
He has led major acquisition, sale and merger processes of Chilean and foreign companies, as well as domestic and cross-border financing operations, and permanently advises corporations and investment funds, both national and foreign. He also has an extensive experience in acquisition and restructuring of companies related to education and infrastructure. He serves on the boards of directors and administrative bodies of various companies and has been a director of open stock corporations.
Prior to founding SCHULTZ CARRASCO BENITEZ, he founded Silva Rencoret & Schultz Ltda. and from 2008 to 2013 practiced in Schultz & Cía. Ltda. Before that, he was an associate of the Mergers and Acquisitions Group in Carey y Cía. Ltda. by 10 years, and he also served as Legal Manager in Compañía de Seguros de Vida La Construcción S.A. (Life Insurance Company).
Chile (1990).
Graduated from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Law School in 1990. In 1998 got a Master in Business Administration (M.B.A.) from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez Business School, Chile.
Activities and Memberships
International Bar Association.
Spanish and English.
- Phone:+ 56 2 2385 0001
- Email:cschultz@scyb.cl

Antonia Seissus
Member of the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Department. Her professional practice focuses mainly on Administrative Law, Environmental Law and contentious-administrative litigation.
Prior to joining the firm, she worked as a paralegal at Jara del Favero Abogados (2022). She also completed an internship in the criminal area of the Public Prosecutor's Office of San Miguel (2020), and an internship at Luengo Montt Law Firm (2023).
Bachelor´s degree in Law and Social Sciences, Universidad de Chile (2022) (2024)
Assistant of the course of Environmental Law, Water Law, Civil Law and Criminal Law at the Law School of Universidad de Chile.
Español e inglés.
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:aseissus@scyb.cl

Carlo Sepúlveda
Partner attorney, member of the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Group. His practice is focused mainly on Administrative Law, Environmental Law and environmental litigation at administrative and court levels.
Prior to entering SCHULTZ CARRASCO BENITEZ, he served between 2011 and 2017 as an attorney at the Environmental Assessment Agency, where he was the head of the division in charge of analyzing and preparing administrative decisions on the appeals presented before the Executive Director and the Ministers Committee.
Subsequently, he was an associate attorney at the Environmental and Public Law Group at Cubillos Evans from 2017 to 2018.
Chile (2011).
J.D. (2010) and Diploma (2016) in Administrative Litigation at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Law School. Diploma in Environmental Law at Universidad de Chile Law School Law (2013).
- Phone:+ 56 2 2385 0000
- Email:csepulveda@scyb.cl

Natalia Vargas
Member of the Environmental Law and Natural Resources group. Her practice is mainly focused on strategic planning and advice for the environmental assessment of investment projects, in areas such as energy, agribusiness and mining, and real estate developments.
Prior to joining SCHULTZ CARRASCO BENITEZ, she worked in the Environmental Assessment Agency (SEA), being a project evaluator (2014-2022) and in charge of the Pertinence Consultations group (2018-2020). Subsequently, she was part of the Department of Assistance to Regions in the Executive Direction of SEA, until December 2022.
Likewise, she previously worked in the National Forestry Corporation Agency (CONAF), being an environmental evaluator of projects (2012-2014), carrying out tasks related to the environmental assessment of flora and forestry resources of projects. In addition to that, she gave technical support to the environmental assessment of regional projects, and was counterpart in the preparation of SEA guides in different topics.
She also worked as a consultant at Minería y Medio Ambiente (MYMA) Ltda. (2011-2012) and AMBAR S.A. (2008-2011), in matters of environmental assessment of mining and infrastructure projects respectively.
Chile (2008).
Forestry Engineer, Universidad de Chile (2008)
- Phone:+ 56 2 2385 0000
- Email: nvargas@scyb.cl

Graciela Venegas
Partner of the Public Law and Natural Resources area. Her practice focuses mainly on strategic advice for the environmental assessment of investment projects in areas such as energy, real estate, agro-industry and mining. Additionally, she advises clients in the administrative and judicial defense of these types of projects.
Prior to joining SCHULTZ CARRASCO BENITEZ she served as an attorney at the Environmental Assessment Service until April 2019, where she was in charge of the Legal Division and the Acting Director of the Regional Direction of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago (2014 – 2018). She also served as an attorney at the division analyzing and preparing administrative decisions on the appeals presented before the Executive Director and the Ministers Committee. Previously, she worked as an attorney at Castillo y Prieto Abogados (2011-2013) and as a legal advisor in environmental matters at the GESCAM consultancy firm (2008-2010).
Chile (2009).
J.D. from Universidad de Chile with maximum distinction (2012). Diploma in Negotiation and Coaching from Pontificia Universidad Católica (2010). Post-Graduate Certificate on Indigenous Rights, Environment and Dialogue Process within the framework of ILO 169 Consultation Process.
- Phone:+ 56 2 2385 0000
- Email:gvenegas@scyb.cl

Maximiliano Alfaro
Member of the Environmental and Natural Resources Group. His practice is focused, mainly, on environmental and administrative law, complemented with environmental litigation at administrative and court levels.
Prior to entering SCHULTZ CARRASCO BENITEZ, he worked in EELAW Medio Ambiente y Energía Asesorías Legales (2019-2021).
His is one of the authors of «Humedales Urbanos. Regulación, implementación y jurisprudencia» (Urban Wetlands. Regulation, implementation and jurisprudence, Ediciones Der), 2023..
Chile (2019).
J.D. from Universidad de Chile (2018). Diploma in Environmental Law from Universidad de Chile (2020).
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:malfaro@scyb.cl

Sara Aros
Member of the Environmental Law and Natural Resources group.
Her practice focuses mainly on strategic advice for the environmental assessment of investment projects in areas such as energy, real estate, agro-industry and mining.
Prior to join, she worked as a lawyer at the Public Ministry, North Central Prosecutor’s Office (2015-2018). Likewise, she worked as a lawyer in the Secretary of the Interior (2019-2022), providing advice on Administrative Law matters, and lately in Alto S.A company (2020-2023), advising different clients for crimes against property.
Chile (2015).
J.D. at Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción Law School (2014).
Diploma in Current Problems of Substantive Criminal Law: General Part, at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Law School (2017).
Currently studying the Master of Laws (LLM) at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile School of Law
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:saros@scyb.cl

Mario Arrué
Member of the Environmental Law and Natural Resources department. His practice focuses mainly on planning and strategic advice for the environmental assessment of investment projects, in areas such as energy, real estate, agribusiness and mining. Prior to joining SCHULTZ CARRASCO BENITEZ, he worked until March 2022 as a senior project consultant at the environmental consulting firm ECOS-Chile, where he provided both technical and legal strategic support in environmental impact assessment processes, sanctioning procedures, environmental compliance, pre-feasibilities, among other matters.
Previously, he worked in the Environmental Assessment Agency (SEA), being a project evaluator in the Metropolitan Regional Department (2010-2013), in charge of the Assessment Area of the same Region (2014-2017) and, later, in charge of the technician unit of the appeals presented before the Executive Director and the Ministers Committee.
Chile (2019).
J.D., Universidad Central, highest honors (2017). B.S. Environmental Engineer, Universidad de Valparaíso (2005).
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:marrue@scyb.cl

Rodrigo Benítez
Partner of the Public Law and Natural Resources area.
His practice focuses mainly on strategic advice for the environmental assessment of investment projects in areas such as mining, energy, infrastructure and agro-industry. Additionally, he advises clients in the administrative and judicial defense of these types of projects. He was Viceminister and Head of the Legal Division in the Ministry of the Environment (2010-2014 / 2018). He was also a member of the Presidential Advisory Commission for the study of a reform to the Environmental Impact Assessment System (appointed by Supreme Decree No. 20 of 2015, issued by the Ministry of the Environment).
He previously worked at Jara Del Favero Abogados and was a partner at Baker & Mckenzie.
Chile (2006).
Graduated from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Law School in 2006. Diploma on Environmental Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2007.
He has been a lecturer of environmental law at Pontificia Universidad Católica School of Law, at Universidad Finis Terrae and at the Naval War Academy. He is currently a faculty member of the Master in Environmental Law at the Universidad del Desarrollo.
He has written several articles regarding environmental law in different journals.
Spanish and English.
- Phone:+ 56 2 2385 0000
- Email:rbenitez@scyb.cl

Esteban Cañas
Member of the Environmental Law and Natural Resources group. His professional practice focuses mainly on administrative litigation, as well as project advice from both environmental and sectoral perspectives.
Prior to entering SCHULTZ CARRASCO BENITEZ, he worked as an associate attorney at the Environmental and Public Law group at Cubillos Evans Abogados (2017-2021), advising on environmental impact assessment, environmental and sectorial sanctioning procedures, in the administrative and judicial defense of projects, and in advising on sectorial processing and other regulatory and strategic aspects related to Environmental Law.
He also worked as an associate attorney at Vergara y Cía. (2016-2017), providing advice on matters of Administrative Law, Water Law and Energy Law.
Chile (2015).
J.D., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2015) mention in Public Law.
Master of Laws (LLM) in Global Environment and Climate Change Law, at the University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (2022).
Diploma in Administrative Litigation, at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2016).
Diploma in Natural Resources and Energy Law, at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2015).
Activities and memberships
Member of the Chilean Association of Environmental Law (Achidam) and the Chilean Association of Administrative Law (ADAd).
Member of the Chilean Association of Environmental Law (Achidam) and the Chilean Association of Administrative Law (ADAd).
Spanish and English.
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:ecanas@scyb.cl

Edesio Carrasco
Partner in charge of the Public and Natural Resources Group. His practice focuses mainly in environment and sectorial permits, energy, land use planning, and the development of industrial projects. He also advises his clients in the solution of their controversies and their defense before ordinary and special courts in administrative matters.
Prior to founding SCHULTZ CARRASCO BENITEZ he was Regional Director of the Environmental Assessment Agency and the Chief of the Litigation and Legal Department of the same agency until early 2014. Before that, he worked in the Ministry of the Environment and in Allende Bascuñán y Cía. Ltda.
In 2010 he was a foreign lawyer at the Energy Group of Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP, in Washington D.C., USA.
Chile (2007).
Graduated from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Law School in 2006. In 2009 he was awarded the Chilean–CONICYT Scholarship and in 2010 got a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from the University of California, Berkeley, with a specialization in Environmental Law.
Lecturer at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Universidad del Desarrollo Law School. Furthermore, he is also the environmental law editor of the Journal of Applied Law LLM UC.
During 2023 – 2024, was a Visiting Scholar at Duke University (School of Law), North Carolina, United States.
He has written over forty articles in matters of his specialization which have been published in different journals. He is also the author and co-author of the following books: «El Régimen Jurídico de la Energía Nuclear en Chile» (Legal Regime of Nuclear Power in Chile, Thomson Reuter-Legal Publishing), 2013, «Sistema de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental. Análisis y resolución de casos prácticos» (The Environmental Impact Assessment System. Analysis and resolution of cases, Ediciones DER), 2018; «El derecho a vivir en un medio ambiente libre de contaminación. Perspectivas, evolución y estándares jurisprudenciales» (The right to live in a pollution-free environment. Perspectives, evolution and jurisprudential standards, Ediciones DER), 2020; and «Humedales Urbanos. Regulación, implementación y jurisprudencia» (Urban Wetlands. Regulation, implementation and jurisprudence, Ediciones Der), 2023.
Spanish and English.
- Phone:+ 56 2 2385 0000
- Email:ecarrasco@scyb.cl

Gabriela Durán
Member of the Environmental law and natural resources group. Her practice focuses mainly on strategic advice for investment projects in the Environmental Impact Assessment System.
Prior to her entry, she worked until June 2023 as a lawyer for the Environmental Assessment Agency. Additionally, she worked as an associate lawyer in Eelaw (2017 – 2020).
Chile (2017).
J.D and LL.M at Universidad Diego Portales (2016). Member of the “Linkage Program - Yale Law School”, USA. (2015)
Spanish and English.
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:mtraub@scyb.cl

Miguel Fernandez
Member of the Environmental Law and Natural Resources department. His practice focuses mainly on planning and strategic advice for the environmental assessment of investment projects, in areas such as energy, real estate, agribusiness and mining.
Prior to joining our firm, during 2022 and 2023, he worked as an associate at ICC Abogados, advising on environmental impact assessments, administrative and judicial defense of projects, as well as different sectoral sanctioning procedures. Additionally, he provided legal counsel in the field of natural resources, primarily in water and mining matters.
He also served as a constitutional advisor in the General Secretariat of Government Ministry between 2021 and 2022, and prior to that, in 2020, he worked as a lawyer in the Public Policy Department of the Chilean Manufacturers' Trade Association ("SOFOFA").
Chile (2021).
J.D., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile School of Law (2020).
Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Constitutional Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile School of Law (2023).
Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Regulatory Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile School of Law (expected 2024).
Certificate in Environment and Sustainable Development, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile School of Law (2020).
Teaching Assistant of Political Institutions, School of Government, Universidad del Desarrollo.
Spanish and english..
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:mfernandez@scyb.cl

Roberto Guerrero
Member of the Environmental Law and Natural Resources area.
His practice focuses on providing advice on environmental law and natural resources, contributing to the development and evaluation of projects or activities, as well as in the administrative and judicial defense of these.
Chile (2021).
J.D. from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2019).
Spanish and English.
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:rguerrero@scyb.cl

Ingrid Henríquez
Her practice centers on regulatory matters, with a focus on Environmental, Urban, Energy and Health Law. She has a recognized career path both in the public and private sectors, as well as a vast experience in administrative and judicial procedures, and in the processing of permits related to the development of projects.
Between 2008 and 2010 she was an attorney for the National Environmental Commission and later for the Environmental Ministry (2010 to 2014), where she practiced as Head of the Regulation Department and Head of the Judiciary Division. Between 2014 and 2016 she was an environmental and regulatory lawyer at Endesa Chile and then Head of Environment & Permitting at HSEQ Office of Enel Generación, in addition to coordinating and implementing environmental compliance and infrastructural projects (2016 to 2018). Between July 2018 and September 2019 she worked as a senior associate at Moreno, Sáez & Avilés.
Chile (2008).
Graduated from Universidad de Chile Law Faculty with highest honors (2005). Graduate Diploma in Natural Resources and Energy Law from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2011) and in Project Management from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (2018).
Activities and Memberships
Professor of Environmental Legislation at Universidad de Chile Sciences Faculty Law, in the Environmental Chemistry and Biology courses. Professor of Environmental Legislation at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Santiago. (2010 to 2017). Coordinator of the University’s Vicariate Pastoral School of Education and Leadership Formation (2005 to 2015). Research assistant for the Environmental Law Center of the University of Chile Law Faculty (2005 to 2007). Chile’s Environmental Ministry focal point for the Stockholm, Rotterdam and Basel Conventions (2012 to March 2014). Chile’s representation at the Basel Convention meetings on Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Waste (2012 and 2013).
In addition, she also author of several specialized publications regarding environmental law matters.
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:ihenriquez@scyb.cl

Macarena Risso
Member of the Environmental Law and Natural Resources Department. Her practice primarily focuses on strategic planning and advisory services for the environmental assessment of investment projects within the Environmental Impact Assessment System.
Prior to joining, she worked as a lawyer at the consulting firm WSP Chile (2021-2024), advising companies across various industries on environmental management, project evaluation processes, and regulatory analysis, and was also part of the company's innovation program.
Chile (2019).
Lawyer, Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (2017).
Spanish and English.
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:mrisso@scyb.cl

Carlos Schultz
Partner in charge of the Corporate Area, Mergers and Acquisitions and Capital Markets. He focuses his practice in representing local and foreign clients in transactions, joint ventures, financial matters, investment projects and corporate restructuring.
He has led major acquisition, sale and merger processes of Chilean and foreign companies, as well as domestic and cross-border financing operations, and permanently advises corporations and investment funds, both national and foreign. He also has an extensive experience in acquisition and restructuring of companies related to education and infrastructure. He serves on the boards of directors and administrative bodies of various companies and has been a director of open stock corporations.
Prior to founding SCHULTZ CARRASCO BENITEZ, he founded Silva Rencoret & Schultz Ltda. and from 2008 to 2013 practiced in Schultz & Cía. Ltda. Before that, he was an associate of the Mergers and Acquisitions Group in Carey y Cía. Ltda. by 10 years, and he also served as Legal Manager in Compañía de Seguros de Vida La Construcción S.A. (Life Insurance Company).
Chile (1990).
Graduated from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Law School in 1990. In 1998 got a Master in Business Administration (M.B.A.) from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez Business School, Chile.
Activities and Memberships
International Bar Association.
Spanish and English.
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0001
- Email:cschultz@scyb.cl

Antonia Seissus
Member of the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Department. Her professional practice focuses mainly on Administrative Law, Environmental Law and contentious-administrative litigation.
Prior to joining the firm, she worked as a paralegal at Jara del Favero Abogados (2022). She also completed an internship in the criminal area of the Public Prosecutor's Office of San Miguel (2020), and an internship at Luengo Montt Law Firm (2023).
Bachelor´s degree in Law and Social Sciences, Universidad de Chile (2022) (2024)
Assistant of the course of Environmental Law, Water Law, Civil Law and Criminal Law at the Law School of Universidad de Chile.
Español e inglés.
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:aseissus@scyb.cl

Carlo Sepúlveda
Partner attorney, member of the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Group. His practice is focused mainly on Administrative Law, Environmental Law and environmental litigation at administrative and court levels.
Prior to entering SCHULTZ CARRASCO BENITEZ, he served between 2011 and 2017 as an attorney at the Environmental Assessment Agency, where he was the head of the division in charge of analyzing and preparing administrative decisions on the appeals presented before the Executive Director and the Ministers Committee.
Subsequently, he was an associate attorney at the Environmental and Public Law Group at Cubillos Evans from 2017 to 2018.
Chile (2011).
J.D. (2010) and Diploma (2016) in Administrative Litigation at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Law School. Diploma in Environmental Law at Universidad de Chile Law School Law (2013).
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:csepulveda@scyb.cl

Natalia Vargas
Member of the Environmental Law and Natural Resources group. Her practice is mainly focused on strategic planning and advice for the environmental assessment of investment projects, in areas such as energy, agribusiness and mining, and real estate developments.
Prior to joining SCHULTZ CARRASCO BENITEZ, she worked in the Environmental Assessment Agency (SEA), being a project evaluator (2014-2022) and in charge of the Pertinence Consultations group (2018-2020). Subsequently, she was part of the Department of Assistance to Regions in the Executive Direction of SEA, until December 2022.
Likewise, she previously worked in the National Forestry Corporation Agency (CONAF), being an environmental evaluator of projects (2012-2014), carrying out tasks related to the environmental assessment of flora and forestry resources of projects. In addition to that, she gave technical support to the environmental assessment of regional projects, and was counterpart in the preparation of SEA guides in different topics.
She also worked as a consultant at Minería y Medio Ambiente (MYMA) Ltda. (2011-2012) and AMBAR S.A. (2008-2011), in matters of environmental assessment of mining and infrastructure projects respectively.
Chile (2008).
Forestry Engineer, Universidad de Chile (2008)
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:nvargas@scyb.cl

Graciela Venegas
Partner of the Public Law and Natural Resources area. Her practice focuses mainly on strategic advice for the environmental assessment of investment projects in areas such as energy, real estate, agro-industry and mining. Additionally, she advises clients in the administrative and judicial defense of these types of projects.
Prior to joining SCHULTZ CARRASCO BENITEZ she served as an attorney at the Environmental Assessment Service until April 2019, where she was in charge of the Legal Division and the Acting Director of the Regional Direction of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago (2014 – 2018). She also served as an attorney at the division analyzing and preparing administrative decisions on the appeals presented before the Executive Director and the Ministers Committee. Previously, she worked as an attorney at Castillo y Prieto Abogados (2011-2013) and as a legal advisor in environmental matters at the GESCAM consultancy firm (2008-2010).
Chile (2009).
J.D. from Universidad de Chile with maximum distinction (2012). Diploma in Negotiation and Coaching from Pontificia Universidad Católica (2010). Post-Graduate Certificate on Indigenous Rights, Environment and Dialogue Process within the framework of ILO 169 Consultation Process.
- Phone:+56 2 2385 0000
- Email:gvenegas@scyb.cl
Practice Areas

and Natural Resources
■ We advise our clients on strategically and environmentally matters in the different stages of the development of investment projects.
■ We guide our clients in the environmental impact assessment processes within the framework of the Environmental Impact Assessment System.
■ We design environmental compliance strategies, applicability of permits and regulations.
■ We get involved in community relations strategies with different interest groups. Our team has actively participated in the framework of indigenous consultations regulated under the provisions of ILO Convention No. 169.

■ We represent the interests of our clients in the most diverse administrative procedures followed before public entities, whether centralized or decentralized.
■ Provide advice to the National State and public organizations in the design and implementation of public policies, whether by preparing legal reports, legal opinions or the implementation of some policy.
■ We prepare and process presentations before the Comptroller General of the Republic, whether to report an illegality or resolve a regulatory dispute, in areas such as public procurement, access to information and granting of permits, representing companies, trade associations and NGO´s.
■ We represent our clients in constitutional and administrative disputes, whether before special or administrative courts and public bodies.
and Litigation
■ We actively participate in the defense of our clients before the Environmental Assessment Agency and the Committee of Ministers.
■ We also assume the defense of our clients before the Environmental Court, the Supreme Court and the Comptroller General of the Republic.
■ We defend our clients in sanction processes initiated by the Superintendency of the Environment.
■ We represent our clients in lawsuits for environmental damage, protection appeals, annulments under public law and any other contentious-administrative dispute.

■ Our practice focuses on provide legal advice and strategy for national and international associations.
■ We also advise on loans in national and foreign financial operations.
■ We support our clients in negotiation processes, which includes advice on corporate governance matters, collaboration agreements between companies, joint ventures and strategic alliances.
■ We assume the representation in the structuring of mergers, acquisitions and divisions of companies and the purchase of companies.

■ We support the entire process of structuring and registering investment vehicles and securities, as well as in their relationship with the stock exchanges.
■ We advise national and international clients from their initial stages to their internationalization process.
■ We support companies and start-ups, focusing on their investments and operations in the country and abroad.
■ We advise on Private Equity and Venture Capital investment processes.
Tel.: +56 2 2385 0000
Isidora Goyenechea 3250, Piso 8, Santiago, Chile